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Stress for Success


Stress can make us feel run-down and downright negative. However, how you think about and react to stress can really make a difference. It is important to shift our perspective and reaction to stress to achieve positive results in what can be a very negative and difficult situation.

Stress is the natural protection mechanism that has been built into our brains for millions of years. Recently, I watched Kelly McGonagle's September 2014 Ted Talk in which she reported on new research that showed, how you think about stress matters.

The study participants had an extremely positive result when:

  • They thought of stress as their friend.

  • When they thought of their bodies as being energized instead of afraid, as it rises to the occasion of the challenge presented by taking the appropriate action for the body to protect itself.

How does one make these changes? I offer this suggestion to you in this way; When stress arises in you, acknowledge it, and thank it for being there. Take a few deep breaths. Imagine yourself putting on a raincoat in your favorite color, as you allow the rain of stress to fall.

Your imagination is a form of communication that can alert the subconscious to take action. The reason this works with more positive results, is because your blood vessels will remain relaxed (unlike the other stress response when they would constrict). This is the same response you would have, when you are feeling joy and courage. As you welcome the stress, you will release Oxytocin (the cuddle hormone) into your system which in will reward you with all kinds benefits such as:

  • A natural inclination to seek out others to connect with, either to share your issue or to help them with one of life’s challenges.

  • A natural anti-inflammatory,

  • Generates new cells around your heart

Stress is the body’s natural built-in mechanism for stress resilience.

When you practice this exercise in stressing for success, ( your subconscious mind learns through repetition) you can begin to see the sunlight, sooner than later, when the stressful moments of life arise.

by Linda Szabo
by Linda Szabo



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