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More Art, Less Angst


For me, the process of painting is a never-ending source of exploration, learning, and wonderful surprises. In the last fifty years, I can’t think of anything that gives me, more continuous fulfillment, excitement, enjoyment, as well as moments full of anxiety, than being an artist.

The downside of being an artist has been wrestling a constant bombardment of inadequacy: learning to live with failure, trying to live up to the standards of the great artists, asking yourself should you quit and get a day job, or wondering if you’ll ever earn a decent living from your art. All of the previous posing the question, is the struggle worth it?

Yes, it is all worth it and it just keeps on getting better and it doesn’t have to be so painful. One of the secrets of making peace with the creative process is “don’t take it personally”. I know that sounds very strange. What I mean by this mantra is; focus on what you want to create and find a way to do that, regardless of how you feel or the circumstances you may find yourself in. Become involved in the process because you love it. If you are choosing to be an artist, then why suffer. Yes, it can be difficult at times and challenging, but you don’t have to allow it to crush you against the rocks like the waves in an ocean storm.

There are many strategies you can use to help in the creative process. You can use these strategies in your everyday life as well as in your art.

Some of the strategies are:

  • Learning the steps of creating, as there is a process to follow or an underlying structure.

  • Having an internal map of where you are, so that you know that your actions are on target and your heading in the right direction.

  • Use hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation and Prayer, going inside to the quiet stillness for answers and inspiration

Choose to create what matters to you.

Forge ahead. Be flexible. Life offers no guarantees. I have learned to enjoy the journey, and oh what a ride it has been.

by Linda Szabo
by Linda Szabo



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